For the first time in more than 50 years, the Minnesota State Patrol has a new look. Last year when the Minnesota Legislature approved a replacement design for the Minnesota seal and flag, State Patrol leaders took note. A working group made up of 13 sworn and non-sworn members of the patrol worked for four months with a professional agency to come up with and refine the new design. The new look — with heavy ties to symbolism — reflects the values and history of the State Patrol. The North Star — a four-pointed star and the same one used on the redesigned state seal — represents the cardinal directions, just as the state patrol serve Minnesotans to the north, south, east and west. The Mississippi River, abundant in its contribution to the state and serving as a critical artery for transportation, lends itself to their role of maintaining and securing an efficient transportation network and connecting with others. The Norway pines, the state tree of Minnesota, underscore the steadfast and reliable commitment of the State Patrol, working for Minnesotans 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through all seasons, all year long. To complete the whole process will take somewhere from six to nine months and an estimated $4 million.
Tony Schmid News Director Rapids Radio