The Itasca County Board of Commissioners met for their regular scheduled board meeting yesterday Tuesday September 17th in the Itasca County Courthouse Boardroom. Only 3 Commissioners were present. Chair John Johnson called the meeting to order. After the pledge of allegiance, a moment of silence was held in the memory and honor of Commissioner Burl Ives, who passed away last week. At that time, the County Board formally announced a vacancy in District 4 of Itasca County for County Commissioner. Previous board meeting minutes from Tuesday September 10th were motioned and approved. The consent agenda was also approved as written. During the discussion and information section of the meeting, administrator Skyles asked to have the flag flying at half staff in honor of Commissioner Ives which was motioned and passed to have flying for the rest of the week. The final lease for the Canisteo Pit Outlet agreement was also presented to the board for final approval. Board was then adjourned into recess to clear the boardroom in preparation for a closed meeting session. The next regular scheduled board meeting of the Itasca County Commissioners is scheduled for Tuesday September 24th
Tony Schmid News Director Rapids Radio