Deer River Warriors 0-1
S1 26-24
S2 25-21
Deer River took first 2 sets of the night
02 Tatum Morrison
1 Kill, 2 Points, 2 Digs
03 Avri Peck
7 Points, 13 Digs
04 Caitlynn Hemphill
3 Blocks, 11 Points, 3 Digs
08 Ariahana Schjenken
2 Assists, 5 Points, 3 Digs
10 Brooklynn Latvala
4 Points, 1 Dig
12 Kira Applebee
12 Points, 9 Digs
19 Sarah Stangler
11 Digs
Hibbing Bluejackets 1-0
S3 25-10
S4 25-19
S5 15-2
Hibbing adjusted after losing the first 2 sets to take the final 3 sets and win overall.
01 Addison Fischer
4 Digs, 1 point
04 Brooke Siekkinen
5 Digs, 3 Points
06 Drea Madich
4 Points
07 Marisa Sibell
15 plus points, 1 Assist, 1 Dig
09 Ariana Ellis
1 Kill
10 Sydnee Moellering
5 Points, 2 Digs
11 Bevie Fink
2 Digs, 3 Points, 1 Kill
12 Emma Kangas
3 Points, 1 Dig
Deer River Volleyball 96.9 KMFY Rapids Radio
Next scheduled game 9/3/2024 vs Greenway in Coleraine
Callers: Jason Merritt, Dan O, Tony Schmid